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"Sometimes the hardest thing
and the right thing are the same."

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Date: 08/14/2006
Message: I would like info on becoming a dealer. Thanks in Advance Scully

Name: Annette Lloyd, Country Stitchin
Date: 08/09/2006
Message: I am requesting a wholesale password. I make purses & need some of the big conchos for decoration.

Name: Cindy Frost
Date: 08/03/2006
Message: I would like to register for a wholesale acct. THanks

Name: Linsey Ahart
Date: 07/30/2006
Message: Hello. I am very interested in purchasing some conchos. I will fax you my TX Sales Tax Cert tomorrow. I design western jewelry using conchos. Please check out my websight.

Date: 07/19/2006
Message: Hey man, I'm from the lubbock area and I can remember those days of smelling tandy leather. I'm so glad you decided to keep up the good work. You have a great website here. Always remember this.....GOING ALL OUT IS WHAT MAKES PEOPLE GREAT PEOPLE. ROLLINGPOET@YAHOO.COM DAN "THE ROLLING POET" BOEN

Name: Dianna Key
Date: 07/16/2006
Message: Sending you my tax info on Monday for wholesale pricing. Thanks.

Name: Denise
Date: 06/23/2006
Message: Hi! I run a small mail-order business in Calgary, Alberta, Canada - basically ordering in whatever my clients are interested in :) What are your requirements for wholesale orders? Do you have a minimum dollar amount? Do you require that a minimum quantity of any given item to be ordered? My email address is - hope to hear from you soon!

Name: Homer H. Hillis, Jr.
Date: 06/23/2006
Message: I would like to get a lot in for your wholesale section, Homer

Name: Betsy
Date: 06/21/2006
Message: Every thang is soooooo tempting.....I want it ALL and MORE!....please let me know when your rugs are in, thanx!!

Name: Dennis MacMillan
Date: 06/19/2006
Message: Requesting access for wholesale purchasing. Resale cert. to follow


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TexHAs Products, Texas Style

TexHAs Inc.
3022 S. E. Loop 820
Fort Worth, TexHAs 76140 
Visitors welcome any time, but appointments are recommended.
