"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same."
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TexHAs'Newest Conchos
TexHAs' Wildlife Conchos
TexHAs' Bling Conchos
TexHAs' Salutes Conchos
TexHAs' Native
American Series
TexHAs' Berry Conchos
TexHAs' Square Conchos
TexHAs' Christian Conchos
TexHAs' Roped Edge Conchos
TexHAs' Slotted Conchos
TexHAs' Saddle Sets
TexHAs' Texas Conchos
TexHAs' Fraternal Conchos
TexHAs' Ranch Conchos
TexHAs' Star Conchos
TexHAs' Cruisin' Conchos
TexHAs Sized Conchos
TexHAs' Coin Conchos
TexHAs' Artisan Conchos
TexHAs' Concho Accessories
TexHAs' Military Conchos
TexHAs' Closeout Conchos
TexHAs' Stock Show Conchos
All of our conchos, unless stated otherwise, have a
Chicago-style screw back
and include a 5mm long screw.
Longer or shorter screws may be substituted on request.
All conchos are cast in zinc and then plated accordingly.
Color Legend:
SP = Sterling Plate HRSP = Hand Rubbed Sterling Plate HRCP = Hand Rubbed Copper Plate SPGP = Sterling and Gold Plate HRSPGP1 = Hand Rubbed Sterling Plate with One Gold Plated Highlight HRSPGP2 = Hand Rubbed Sterling Plate with Two Gold Plated Highlights
All "Hand Rubbed" conchos have a light antiquing rubbed on to them to accentuate the designs
and to create a slightly aged look. None of our conchos will rust and tarnish is minimized with
a special process of electro-laquering in three layers. NP = Nickel Plate ANP = Antique Nickel Plate ACP = Antique Copper Plate NPBP = Nickel Plate and Brass Plate